Wednesday, March 01, 2006


Here's a tip.
If you see a patient with paroxysmal spells of syncope, palpitations, headaches, and you image him and find a 3 cm enhancing adrenal mass on CT, please bloody have the sense to check his metanephrines and catecholamines before you decide to stick a needle into that goomba*.
I imagine that medical team (from another hospital before the patient transferred here) darn near shit and pissed in their Pagoda undies and panties when the pathology report read 'pheochromocytoma'.
They're farking lucky that patient didn't die on the table during the biopsy (no alpha and beta blockade).
You don't need to be an endocrinologist to know. Maybe just a brain larger than the size of a pea.
Idiots. Can you spell L-A-W-S-U-I-T ? (which reminds me. Piff, you need to give me your business card).
*Goomba (noun): Technical term describing a surprising find of a mass on radiologic imaging. Often used with objectionable phrases or words describing the genitalia. Example: "WTF?? What the KKC is that Goomba on his left upper lung field??" May also be used to hide ignorance about the pathology of a lesion. Example: "This is a 78 year old male with a right cerebral Goomba..."