Tuesday, August 08, 2006

So, Nick started emailing me in Malay. I thought it would be interesting to reply in like, to see how well I could still write in that language, seeing that I've been gone 8 years now.
What I meant to say:

Dear friends,
Nick and H are thinking about coming over this weekend. If they do come, we could do a BBQ. LP, is your wife here yet? It's been a while since we last saw her. Also, you have yet to meet Kristin yet, no? Moreover, this weekend your cousin TS's girlfriend will be flying in, so we could have a nice gathering.
Nick, if you and H come, you can crash at my place. LP and CW too. Don't worry about space. At the worst, we can crash at Kristin's place; she's got a nice apartment. Or, the boys can sleep in the bathroom. Let me know if you're coming.

P/s: My Malay's f*cking rusty, need to practice!

What I came up with:

Rakan-rakan sekalian.
Nick dan H sekalang sedang fikir mahu mari hari Sabtu dan Ahad. Kalau mereka mari, boleh buat barbeque lar. LP, lu punya wanita, oops, isteri sudah datang ke Amerika tak? Sudah lama tak nampak. Lu pun belum jumpa saya punya teman Kristin kan? Lagipun, minggu ini lu punya bodoh saudara TS punya teman wanita akan datang juga. Jadi boleh mengadakan jamuan lar.
Nick, kalau lu dan H datang, boleh tumpang kat kami punya rumah. LP dan CW juga. Ada tempat tidur lar, tak perlu bimbang. Kalau tak cukup, boleh tumpang juga kat Kristin punya apartment, banyak besar and cantek. Atau, kami jantan boleh tidur dalam tandas.
Beritahu kami lar, kalau datang atau tidak.

P/S: Bahasa sudah puki-karat, mesti latih!

My BM teacher Puan Noraini would have been so proud.